jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Last post

Ok, so this is the last blog, and I practically can't believe it.. But yeah, it's happening... This time I have to write about this year... And boy, I have a lot of things to say..
This year was definitely the hardest one I have faced yet.. Honestly, I've truly though -more than once- that I wouldn't make to the end of it.. Because it has been so awful.. You know, the first term was hard, really hard, specially because I had subjects like linguistic that was really hard, and other classes that I hated.. A lot.. Also socially it was hard too.. Due to personal reasons that doesn't come to this case.. And the second term.. Boy, THAT was hard.. I hated practically all the subjects, and none of them was actually useful for me.. But well, I will tell you more about it below..
So let's review the first term in more detail... First of all lets talk about the subjects:
-Linguistics: I hated all.. The teacher, the contents, the tests, the schedule, really I hated all..
-Anthropology III: Awesome, even though it was awfully hard for me, I love the teacher and the contents, I only had a little trouble with th schedule, but just because I'm really lazy..
-Elements of physic anthropology: Definitely the best without question.. The teacher was awesome, the schedule was ok, the test were easy, the contents were awesome, and also it was the only subject related to what I want to follow as my specialty..
-Psychology: Easy, really easy.. I love psychology as a discipline, honestly I do.. Even though the teacher wasn't the best I liked it.. And well the contents were a “little” bit narrow.. But well that's life..
-Statistic II: A total nightmare.. I mean, the teacher was awesome, and he really tried hard to made understand and learn the contents, but I suck at it, really... I hardly pass, and just because I had lots of help.. But well at least it was useful..
-Latin American history: A f*cking crap.. The teacher sucked to a whole new level.. The contents were well mediocre is a nice way to say it.. The schedule, was awful too.. It sucked, really..
Now for the second term:
-Anthropology IV: Easy, and kinda irrelevant.. The teacher was a peach anyway..
-Ethnology: Irrelevant, awful: crap..
-Ethnography: Hard for me, I got lots of help from my friends.. The student helper is a great guy, and the teacher is a peach too..
-Ethnohistory: The most awful, horrible and monstrous thing I'd ever faced.. I hell in earth.. The teacher is a really scary freak.. The contents are not only reiterative, but also irrelevant..
-Investigation workshop: Awesome, the teacher rules -even though he is scary-.. The contents are relevant and helpful in life.. Just not for me..
-Social history: Awesome, wonderful, great.. I mean, the best subject in the term.. The teacher rules, the classes are amazing.. The schedule is bearable, and the contents are great..
Now to summarize.. I hated this year, even though it had some nice sides.. It almost killed me.. And made hate the career -honestly it did it-.. But well finally is finishing, and the holidays are just around the corner, and I can't wait to get there..
Well that's all.. Have a nice day..

PS: I kinda over did this.. but well that kind of things happen..
PPS: I didn't talked about English -III and IV-, because there was not enough place to do it..
PPPS: Sorry for the delay..

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

(more) Anthropology stuff

Today -Well two days ago to be more precise- Judy asked us to write about to the challenges that our discipline is currently facing.. And boy, it's not precisely the most exiting subject in world.. but It could have been way worse.. So well, I hope I doesn't come out THAT boring..

Well, physic anthropology is really connected to technology, in many ways, after all we depend on it for many thing, for example, if we want to work with ancient DNA, we need to use PCR -a technique that allows yo to replicate DNA- in order to have enough material to work with... Or we use electronic microscopes in order to identify micro fractures, and other kind of small lesions... also there are many physic anthropologist working on special softwares and instruments to work with in our discipline, that will make our work way more easy..

In social matters we usually work identifying bodies, and many times we help to identify victims of genocide or human rights violations... Well usually in this field of work, physic anthropologists are exposed to many dangerous situations, like attacks of people and organizations interested in keep the subject hidden.

In education, well is not like everyone knows what the hell physic anthropology is, so is not like you could teach it in schools.. But it may help in biology, history and other subjects..

And well.. The challenges may be to become more known by normal people, and, you know, get better techniques and technology..

Well to the thing of be more known by people, there's actually a lot of people working on it, in the medias -like in tv series, like “bones” from fox networks; and also in many discovery channel programs and specials, where they have started to show, mention and interview physic anthropologists as specialists-…

Now, for the second issue, well there are many teams of scientist working to create better technology, and also there are many people working on adaptations of techniques and technology of other disciplines to physic anthropology, in order to combine other kinds of knowledge with the current one of our discipline and improve it..

Have a good day..

PS: I kinda feel that I didn't get the instructions, but well.. That's life.. isn't it?

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Anthropology or money?

Today Judy has decided to ask us as really hard question Anthropology or money?

Hard to tell, I mean: morality, society and many other things and institutions like those says that you should act according to higher values and that kind of stuff.. But to be honest in this world values are kinda like fashion accessories: they change according to the current trend..
I mean, you just have to listen to the jerks at tv, for one or two weeks, and you will see -pretty soon and clearly- how they contradict their self, over and over again..
Also, you can't live of ideals: you can't eat them, you can't dress them... You get the picture..
I guess that this is not the most appropriate attitude, but well... That's how it goes pals.. Life is hard, no matter how much you want to deny it..
Anyway, I strongly believe that you can make money in anthropology -otherwise I think I wouldn't have chosen it as my career-... At least, I am pretty sure that you can make money as a physic anthropologist, that's for sure... Actually, you can get a pretty high profit from it.. After all, there a only a few physic anthropologist in the world, and they are surely needed, because physic anthropology is a really useful science.. So I kinda choose it thinking as much about money as science -and want to work in hard science field-... But I can't honestly say that I choose it in order to “change the world” or “help human kind”..
As a physic anthropology, you can do many things to get money :).. You can work in a lot of different research fields.. You can be a consulter... You can also work in the design field or anything related to ergonomics.. And -obviously- you can work with the police or PDI, in the forensic field -where I want to work in the future- to identify people who's bodies are way too damaged to be recognized in any other way... And many other things, like work with archaeologists, epidemiologists, or with ONG and human rights related fields.. You see? There are many ways to get money from this.. which -I think- is awesome..
Right now I'm not making any money, because university takes all may time, and I'm a pretty lazy person... So well, even though I might do something to make money -if I really, really wanted it or need it-, I guess that I'm way too lazy to try...

And well that's all.. Have a nice day.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

I .... my faculty

Hello everyone.. Now I have to talk about my –supposedly- beloved faculty.. Which I actually hate, I mean, is not a bad place.. But I represent many things that I hate –just like my school did-.. So –by extension- I hate it.. Actually I just want to finish my career soon, in order to not come back never more.. I suck, I know.
Today, the building is operative; but there are not enough class rooms, the bathrooms are in a pretty lame condition, and the library just sucks –most of the books that we have to use aren’t there!!!-.. But lately there have been doing some improvements: now we have better and more modern computers; they fixed the roof of the girls bathroom of the third floor… And that kind of stuff… But the main problem: the lack of classrooms is still there.
I guess that the only way to fix the classrooms problem is to build more, but for that you need money… And there is money.. So they will.. Or that’s what they say.. So we are supposed to sit, wait and see.. Anyway, the current project is to build a new building, which may actually solve the problem, except for one little thing: the project is awful, is not well thought, or to be more precise, is not adjusted to reality.. The planned distribution is all wrong.. And even though the students, and the teachers, have pointed it, it seems that the authorities don’t want to listen.. Which really sucks..
And well –after have used the word suck, more than is proper- that’s all folks..
Have a nice day/night, whatever..

Music is all around me

Today I have to talk about, an awesome topic: music!
I love music.. I actually have over 45 GB of music in my computer –that’s more than 10 thousand songs, picture that folks-.. That’s a sign of the variety of music I have –I mean those songs are not of the same artist or genre-.. Which makes the task of choosing my favorite band/genre/song something pretty hard.. But, well since I have to, I will talk about the current ones.. I guess I like agro, rock, indie and electronic mmusic most of all.. But I also love industrial, classic, jazz, and so much more genres.. is hard to choose.
My favorite band is Garbage, I love the Shirley Manson’s voice… I love the lyrics, I love their guitars, I love the drums, I love the bass.. I mean I love their music... It think I love them even more, because, they’re really sarcastic in their lyrics... I think my favorite Garbage’s song, it’s “wicked ways” I love everything about that song –“I tried hard to mend my wicked ways/ Acted like a lunatic for years/Lord knows I try to be good/ I keep my promises if only I could/You count your blessings that I can’t rely on you”…- Wonderful.
I’d gone to many concerts.. of very different bands.. But I think that one most memorable was the one of the “Red Hot Chili peppers”, It was awesome to watch Anthony Kiedis –a man over 50 years old- jumping around like an acrobat and singing with a flawless harmony.. The rest of the band was awesome too, but I will always have the memory, of Anthony doing a perfect somersault and then keep singing without losing the tone, like it was the easiest thing in the world..
Well, I know how to play flout, and a little bit of piano.. But I rather sing.. I can’t say that I’m good at it.. But I’m definitely better at singing than playing other instruments..
And well that’s all.. I might have overdo it a little bit.. but, well whatever..
Have a nice day :)

Vitamins Junkies

Ok, today I have to review a news item, from the guardian –an online news paper of the UK- because.. Judy wants us to do it… I’m not really excited about it, and I’m actually late, but I have no choice here. . So, here I go, you better get ready!
I chose this one :
It’s about vitamins supplements, and people who take them without needing them..
It happens that it’s not only unnecessary, but even harmful to your body… Beside of the lack of evidence that proves that taking vitamin supplements may be beneficial to health, there is evidence that proves that taking too many supplements will be bad to your system, because an excess of substance may be toxic... So you have to try to stay in the optimum level, but the optimum level of these substances is different for every person, and is influenced by very different factors, such as age, sex, weight, etc..
Of course that take supplements might be beneficial for your health, but only if you take them when you need them. That’s what many articles, papers, and investigations, done by various scientist, say. By example folic acid is recommended to womens that are under pregnancy, in order to avoid their child to get cleft lip or cleft palate.
Well that’s all… Have a nice day..

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

It's all about food

Well dears, today I’m going to talk to you about something that we all need -no matter what some pricks out there might say about that- and most of the people likes –sorry anorexic and bulimic girls/boys out there, you’re not fit to this post-.. I’m going to talk about food!
I love food, it’s something marvelous… Delicious and also necessary, what could possibly be better than that? I like to eat in clean places, shaded ones if it’s possible –I hate sunlight-; because y can’t stand eating in a place that’s dusty or dirty… It’s just way to unhealthy.
I like to cook my food, because that way is just how I want it… But I also like to eat in restaurants, because there I can eat thing that I can’t get at home –I don’t like the kind of restaurants that gives you “home style food”… way too boring - ..
It would be impossible to me to choose just one kind of food to be my favorite: I love Chinese food, Japanese food, Italian food, Thai food, Vietnamese food… And you get the picture... Right?
At cooking I’m fairly skilled... I mean, I’m not awesome... But I’m not bad… Except for the times that I don’t use enough salt… I like to cook pasta and “chineses-wanna-be” food… I also like to try out new recipes, and I love to bake sweet things such as cookies, cakes, and that kind of things…
Well eating is part of my family traditions, so almost any kind of food brings me memories about very different situations…
I think I can’t imagine a perfect tree course meal, ‘cause it depends of what kind of food I will be eating..
And well.. I think that’s all –because I don’t want to say anything more-…
Have a nice week, and take care!

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

sightseeing in Santiago

Ok, today I have to do a kind of tourist guide/map/whatever to an imaginary foreigner that has decided to come to a place like Santiago and hasn’t take a look on something more decent.. Or maybe a foreign friend that wants me to show he/she what would be nice to see in this city. So... Since I’m not really creative this week –picture that, in the old post I was at least moderately creative-, I think that I would go straight to the point… Now let’s go with a top five sightseeing places of Santiago (I warn you, they’re not in order of relevance):
-Santa Lucía Hill: Is pretty much in the center of Santiago, and a subway station has its name –yay!- , and is a really nice hill –as much as a hill can be- quite covered with vegetation and with some really interesting structures to see –if you are interested in architecture or monuments-; and if you get to the top, You can have a really good panoramic view of Santiago.
-Paseo Ahumada: It’s also in the center of Santiago, and it’s pretty close to Santa Lucía hill. To get there you just have to take the subway and get off at Universidad de Chile. The paseo Ahumada is full of stores, and goes straight to the Plaza de Armas –Believe it or not, our next place to visit!-
-Plaza de Armas: Once again in the center. As Santa Lucía hill it has a subway station with its name, so you really can’t get lost to get to it. Around it there are many stores, places to eat, a Church and some old buildings. In the plaza itself there aren’t many trees or other plants, but it’s always full of people –mostly not Chileans-.
-Central station: Well as its name says it is a station, where you can take trains, buses and the subway! –yay!, there’s also a subway station with its name-. There are also two malls close to it, and restaurants and the USACH –Universidad de Santiago de Chile- planetary. It’s a nice building itself by the way.
-Meiggs alley: It’s a place near to central station –actually it’s next to it-, where you can buy about EVERYTHING, it’s like the Chinatown of Santiago; it’s full of stores of every kind of thing, and also it’s pretty cheap!
Well that’s all folks... See ya later!

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

My addiction

Well I guess I’m addicted to many things… I actually can’t pick one that obsesses my more than the other, but surely I can make a list of all of them, so here I go: horror/slasher movies, comic books, online comics, chocolate, tv –in general-, my computer, drawing, music, science fiction books/movies, fantasy books/movies, and I thing that I can keep going for ever, but I don’t think it is a good idea….

But well, since this is just an assignment, I won’t talk to you guys about all of them, but only one, and I guess it should be the one that obsess me the most lately.. So I pick online comics!

Because lately it has take control over my life, and instead of be reading the huge bunch of books that I should read for my different classes, I keep on reading those funny strips that not well known authors do an publish for free on the net.. Which is really complicated, ‘cause I have a lot of things to do, an really few time to do them, so every second I waste is a huge lose…

Well since I’ve always been addicted to different things, I guess I can’t picture my life without been addicted, it’s like my weird way to live on.. Well I guess I can beat my addiction, but I’ll probably replace it with something else, soon after, like chocolates, candy, other kind of web content, I don’t know, but I guess I rather to be addicted to something harmless like comic strips than something more dangerous .

I guess that the best way to avoid getting addicted to online comics, you should avoid reading them o entering in websites that has them on.

And… Well I’m not a preacher, so I won’t be giving away recommendations about how you should live your life... And also, I don’t think that online comics are bad, so I won’t say bad things about them..

So that’s all! See ya!

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

About Transantiago

I think that it’s pretty much a good system, I mean, it has some flaws an all, but is not such a big deal; it actually works pretty well…
Anyway at the very beginning it wasn’t like that... There was a complete chaos on the streets specially when it came to the time to actually take the bus… No one knew where they had to catch the bus they needed or at what time it’ll pass… -Well no one ever knew that with old system either-… An also there were pretty few buses, so the time that people has to wait to catch a bus was way longer than usual; people even had to wake up an hour - or even more- earlier than usual; which was really bugging for most of the people, and made them complain a lot.. Also the medias were really happy to have something to create controversy and bother the government…
But now every thing is different, the system works better, the people is getting used to… The medias have stop bothering the government about it, and more buses have been add to many of the different routes, so now the buses pass more frequently, which makes thing more bearable.
If you ask for suggestions, I guess that you can always add more buses to make thing work better, but I think that the state should take full control over the public transport service, ‘cause that will do them able to do changes more fast and efficiently.
Well that’s all.. See ya later, alligator.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Sweet Ireland

I want to go to Ireland… I actually always have wanted to go there, for many reasons… At one side it has the most wonderful weather ever, all year rainy, foggy and cold…Just wonderful.
Other reason is the landscapes: the woods, the hills covered by grass and clovers… The rocky shore, the sea…. Well you get the picture.
By the other side it is a really touristic country… Full of beautiful thing to see when you are a visitor… The churches, the old buildings and castles, the historical places... I guess it should be awesome to live in such a wonderful country…
An if you add to all that the rich cultural tradition of Ireland: the music, the ancient language, the food, the myths, and all else.. I really would like to go there…
Since I was kid I have liked Ireland, It all started with some old fairy tales, and fantasy books... Then I started to listen to Celtic music, and I fell in love with it… After that I wanted to know everything about Ireland: It’s history, the legends and myths, the local manners, the original language –ancient Irish-, etc… And of course I read every book about it that fell in to hands...
I hope that one day I could finally go to Ireland... And it seems quite possible, since I want to go to study in England, so how the two countries are pretty close –geographically speaking- I guess that I’ll be able to go sightseeing to Ireland at the weekends… But well, It’s all just a dream…
And that’s all folks...
See you next week…

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Last Semester

So here I am one half of year had passed already… And now I just have to wait until the class period finishes…

But right now I’ll do a review of the first term of this year, because it won’t hurt… I guess, and I also have to do it, because it’s today assignment for my English class…

Well in the first semester I have 7 different subjects… I kinda learnt a lot, but it also was full of useless classes, so sometimes it felt like I was wasting my time… Anyway, at least I have one wonderful class which also had an incredible teacher: Elements of physic anthropology… That was, without any chance of doubt, my favorite subject of the semester, especially because it was directly related to what I want to do in my future… Everything else didn’t matter really much, so I won’t waste speaking about it…

I’m not really a sports person... I don’t like doing exercise, I rather to stay in home and watch tv, or read a good book... So I actually, didn’t do anything that was not related to university... I didn’t have time to either anyways…

I won’t talk about my friends or my family, because I don’t feel like to… I rather keep that to myself… And about the challenges… I had enough just trying to pass all the subjects…

And well, I guess that’s all folk’s…

See ya!

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

My blog

Today's assigment is about blogs, yes, blogs..
I feel like the man who is having a dream, about his self having a dream, about his self having a dream.. You get it, right?
But well since this is the LAST session (yay!) I guess that I'll try to make a nice post.. Oh right? Let's go!
Since I had have blogs, since I was like twelve years old, this hasn't been what you may call "a new experience".. But anyway I have enjoyed it.. I mean, I always wanted to have a blog in english (in order to practice the lenguage, and get to now people from other places), but I never had a good excuse for it.. Of course I would have liked to write about free topics.. But well.. Nothing is perfect in life.. right?
But still I think that this is quite a good excercise to practice your writen english, 'cause it allows you to write in a less academic vocabulary..
Yeah, yeah.. I think that it has been quite amusing, after all.. And it help me to improve.. well... I don't know.. but surely it helped me to improve something.. I guess..
Well, I want to suggest some topics, that should be here, in my opnion of course... I think It would be nice that there were one assigment with a free topic.. I mean it would be great if we can write about whatever we wanted to, and since it would be about something interesting to us -well thinking that everything works as it should- maybe the people will work harder to make their point or subject clear..
I also want to suggest that the topic about "the best in your area" were removed 'cause it felt quite forced to write about it..
And well.. I guess that's all.. For ever..
So I won't see you.. At least 'till next term.. :)
Be good kids, bye!

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

The Medical-legal Service

As I've said in many occasions before in this blog -through the many assignments that we had have to do- I want to be a forensic anthropologist..
And as a forensic anthropologist you can work as an independent consulter or in a legal or police organism.. And I want to do the second thing.. I want to work at the medical-legal service of Chile , in order to identify rotten corpses and help to solve crimes.
But in order to get that job is not enough just to gradate from the university.. I have to do and phD, a master and get a bunch of degrees... Just to apply to job..It kinda sucks but that's the only way, and I guess that it's better, 'cause really need to know a lot of things to be able to do my work properly..

Luckily for me once I've finished my studies, get the job would be quite easy, 'cause there are not many forensic anthropologists so I wouldn't have too much competitors.. Which is really cool...
I guess that I would be a good forensic anthropologist mainly 'cause I really like the matter, I feel a real passion for it no the dead people, but the job it self), and for that reason I would all that it takes to get it.. And I'm also good at biology -laughs-..
And well.. That's all folks!

Do Schools Kill creativity?

Sir Ken Robinson surely think they do.. And actually I agree..
As he so wisely said, the whole system is design on the basis of the productivity, so is our society.
But in the case of the society the thing go backwards: it doesn't matter if you're over productive as construction worker, no one cares about that, actually is what is expected and nothing more... But if you have a doctorate on semantics, even if you never publish a paper, people will respect you anyway, because normally people doesn't know what the hell is semantics about, so they just admire the ones that know it, even if it doesn't help the human kind in any possible way...
Sir Robinson calls our attention in one particular and really important subject: the role of education in the suppression of creativity, an god damn he's right.
I've actually seen it, in the school I saw how some of my most creative classmates were reproached, just because they didn't fit in the "normal" pattern.. And my school was pretty "open minded" about that.. Actually it was one of the school that actually pt attention to plastic and musical arts, and the drama class -even when it was and out schedule activity- was really serious and well done..
Actually what Sir Robinson says make sense to me.. I can't be in class without be drawing something, if I don't do it, i can't manage to concentrate and start to chatting to my classmates, distracting them.. I found out about this in school, and at the beginning it got me in many troubles.. But eventually teachers managed to understand it and I got the permission to draw in class, as long as my grades didn't down.. And they didn't..
I think that the world shoul listen to Sir robinson, because he certainly does an extremely lucid analysis about a situation that concern to everyone in this worl, and if we make changes on it, we will certainly make the world a best place in the future..
Also I have to say that he's quite a awesome speaker, very eloquent and fun to listen.. It's a great conference, and I strongly recommend yo listen it.To see the video go to : http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html
And I guess that's all..
See ya later..

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009


My favourite subject is "elementos de la antropología física" (physic anthropology elements), which is like an introduction to physic anthropology, which is precisely what I want to follow as my life career..
I kinda love it also, 'cause is really precise and concise.. The teacher don't waste time talking about subjects that no one cares about.. And give us really accurate and pertinent lectures.. So is great..
Rodrigo Retamales is the one who is on charge of the class, but actually is not the only teacher we have at it 'cause he usually bring guest teachers and people to give us conferences.. Is REALLY an awesome class..
Since I had have quite a lot different teachers I have leanr about quite different subjects, avery single one of them really interesting for me.. The sessions that I liked the most were:
- the one about forensic anthropology
-the one about morphometry
-And the one about epidemiology.
Well a guess that's all..
See ya later, aligator..

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

What will comes tomorrow

I'm kinda obsessive, so I usually think about my future…
I guess that in 5 years from now, I'll be in England or Scotland doing a post doctorate or post grade, or taking a master’s degree related to forensic anthropology in order to be a better professional to get a better job once I come back to Chile…
To my family life I don’t have many expectations, ‘cause you never know… But I think that my mother’s side grand parents will probably be death… I mean both of them are pretty sick, so is pretty possible that they pass out soon…
In other areas I don’t want to do any predictions or assumptions, ‘cause I really can’t know what is going to happen… I just hope that I don’t get in any big trouble… And may parents and friends keep well..
So I guess that’s all, ‘cause I’m not in the talking mood.. So see ya later..

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

My mentor

Today I'll talk you about one of the greatest physic anthropologist ever: Sherwood Washburn (A.k.a. Sherry)
He was an American physical anthropologist and pioneer in the field of primatology, opening it to study of primates in their natural habitats. His research and influence in the comparative analysis of primate behaviors to theories of human origins established a new course of study within the field of human evolution.
graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University with a Bachelors Degree in Anthropology in 1935, followed by a Ph.D. in Anthropology in 1940.
After leaving Harvard, he took a position as associate professor of anatomy in Columbia University College of Phisicians and Surgeons
, where he remained for eight years.

Then from 1947-1958 he was a professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago, for a time serving as department chair. He left the University of Chicago for a professorship in University of California (Berkeley), where he remained until his retirement in 1979. In 1975 the university named him to the select position University Professor, one of just 35 such appointments granted since the position was first created in 1960. He died in Berkeley in 2000 at age 88. His published works are:
Social Life of Early Man, Rutledge Library 2004
"The Evolution of Man", Scientific American v239 n3 p194-208 September 1978
Human evolution: Biosocial perspectives, edited with Elizabeth McCown, Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. 1978
-Ape Into Man; A Study of Human Evolution, Boston: Little, Brown. 1973.
I think that he is awesome, 'cause his work open a whole new field of study for physical anthropologists, and contributed a lot in the studies of human behavior evolution.
And well I think that's all.. See ya!

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

My career

Well, as you may -or not- know, I'm studying to be an anthropologist.. To be more precise a biological anthropologist..
It's fun when you realize that actually no one out of the anthropological or bio-scientific field knows what a biological anthropologist is or do.. And it made some sense, after all we usually work in not really public research or associated to more known scientific disciplines.
The biological or physic anthropology is actually related to many other sciences and has a huge work field..
We can do from skeleton identification to epidemiology research.. So we contribute in so much different ways to society that it would be really exhausting to name them all.. So I'll talk just about the line that I want to follow: the forensic physic anthropology, which is related to police work.
In our discipline we work with bones, usually to identified people's skeletons, in order to solve crimes or help relatives to find someone they lost -like when there is genocide, a biological anthropologist team is in charge to identified the people in the communal tombs-... we also identified the kind, time and origin of bone wounds.. we can get tons of information just from a few bones, it's awesome, really..
We usually work with magnifying glasses, tapes of measuring, paintbrushes, X-ray photographies, some liquids and several other things that it's unnecessary and excessive to mention..
Well since I already said which area chose, now I just have to say why was this and not other one of the many that there are.. And that's related to my personality..
I always like crime and mystery related things.. Like murders biographies, suspense novels and tales, criminology cryptology and all that kind of things related to that kind of subjects.. And I also have a huger interest for things related to death, I don't know why, but there is it.. So I always wanted to work in something related to police, crime or death it self.. And it just happens that forensic biological anthropology have it all! So It's kinda the perfect career to me...
And well I think that this is more than enough.. so bye!

martes, 21 de abril de 2009

At the bus

Well this week I've to talk you about some nice photograph..And that's just awesome 'cause I love to take pictures, and I always carry a camera with me, just in case I might need it.. You never know when or where you may find the perfect photo, or when you may have a "kodak moment".. So is better to be prepared...
I've taken many photos along my life, and I even was in a photography class at school.. I love the things you can do with a camera, sometimes you can get really amazing captions of real life.. So amazing that it might get hard to believe that they're real..
Well as I just said, I'
ve many photos of all kind of things -mostly of landscapes and plants- so It's kinda hard to choose one, and that's just thinking about the photos that I've took, 'cause if I include other people's captions, the list become endless.. So well, I think I'll just choose some recent, but pretty one.
In this picture you can see one
of my friends -Pachi- who's peeping out of a window of and old abandon bus, that we find near one of our friends house.. The bus all tear down, and there was even a mattress resting against one of the bus walls.. We have some trouble to get there, but once we get inside the bus I knew it was worthy of it..I took this picture at lasts Sunday afternoon, when the sun was setting down behind the mountains..
I like it for two reasons:
-the first one is because it's a nice photo, it has a good composition, the light is fine, the contrast is nice and the image it self is cool..
-the second one is 'cause it brings good memories back..

So well.. I think that's all..
Have a nice day!

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

Helpful site

Well think that I didn't say it before but I'm an anthropology student, and I want to be a Forensic Anthropologist in order to work with people's bones, and be able to identify missing people bodies.
And well I'm kinda lazy, so I never really did a "great" or "deep" research about my career or anything like it.. But for this assigment I just found and amazing site which happens to be just what I need! I'm talking about: Forensic Anthropology
which have a lot of information about anything you may need to know about forensic anthropology.
I found it searching on google with the key words: "forensic anthropology" and it was the second result after wikipedia's article about it, so it's a really popular site -since google organizes the results according to the site's popularity-, once I went inside I saw this awesome picture of a skeleton supported on a table with one and on a skull and a thoughtful expression, it was hillarious.. An pretty adequate to the context..
Since I just found it, I can't call my self a regular visitor, but I think that I might visit it again..
Maybe I'll...

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

My dear computer

Well It happens to be that I'm a freakin' tech psycho and I love all about technology..
But I've to say that if I have to choose one of the many technological advances of our times, the winner will definitely be the computer..
I love computers, they're the best machine of all, you can do everything in/with them.
Really, you can:
-create/listen music
-surf on the net
-contact your friends
-and the hell of a lot of more things

Well, my relationship with computers go waaaaaay back to the time when I was a little child (actually there was a computer in my home before I ever born, but that's a different story).. But I think -I'm not totally sure about it- that I get the first computer that was really mine when I was -like- 11(?) years old, and my dad was who gave it to me..
I actually use my computer to do EVERYTHING.. I'm pretty sure that if I lost it -for any reason- I would be in really deep trouble.. I write in it, I do my college works in it, I desing websites in it, I draw and paint in it, I read in it, I study in it, I contact my friends trought it, I surf in the net trought it, I listen to music in it, resuming I kinda live trought it..
I use my computer almost every day -there has to happen something really weird to keep me far from it-, and in the weekends I can spend the whole day on it..
Well, i think that I'd left pretty clear -by telling how do I use my computer- that my life would be a mess if I didn't have my pc, I mean, I know that I'll be able to keep living, but certainly, do all things I like to do would be waaaaaay more difficult.. And I think that that's why I love it: 'cause it make my life much easier..

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

Hello There

So I finally have a blog in english.. ('cause I already have a blog, but is in spanish)
You know, I've wanted something like this for a while, but I never did it 'cause I never have a real reason that could justify something this weird.. Specially if you think in the fact that most of my friends hardly know enough english to ask where is the bathroom..
But know I finally have a real reason to do this, and my, my it happen to be a class of college.. Obviously english class.
Well, I think it would be fun to write about different subjects in english, after all I'm kinda a freak when it comes to english as a lenguage..

Well.. -I think I can't stop saying it- I don't know what else to say.. So, I think that you'll have to figure out who I am, and what kind of things I like.. Everything else about me..
And, well I think that's all..
See ya..